Domino audit identifies savings of 193mil

view of the domino ceramics warehouse
Annual savings (€)
193 thousand
Potential energy savings (%)
CO2 reduction potential (ton/year)
990 ton/year

The energy audit to Dominó had as its main objective the energy characterization of the plant's facilities, in particular its energy systems. The main goal was to identify energy savings in a perspective of energy efficiency and/or reduction of energy billing with the purpose of contributing to improving the energy performance of the facility and reducing its environmental impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).

The energy that is used is subject to numerous processes, from capture, through conversion, in its production phase, to its final use, in the course of which waste occurs. This inefficiency makes it necessary to produce more energy than is consumed to meet the needs. The audit carried out identifies energy efficiency measures to balance this balance, resulting not only in a reduction in energy consumption, but also in the financial cost that it entails.

To calculate the energy balances of the equipment, several tests were performed in February 2020, using portable instrumentation, registers and meters on site and reference information provided by Domino. The methodology used in the energy analysis was based on the Principles of Conservation of Mass and Energy.

Based on the tests carried out and on the analysis of the global data for the reference period, Energy Consumption Rationalization Measures were identified and evaluated, with significant energy saving potentials regarding natural gas and electric energy consumption.

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Alberto Henriques
Director in charge of the industrial area Dominó Cerâmicas

The UPAC that has been set up at our facility by Helexia will allow clean energy to be used in our process from the use of solar energy.

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From needs analysis to implementation, we believe that a decarbonized economy is the path to growth.

Energy and Efficiency

Energy is increasingly presenting itself as an important cost in the structure of an organization, being not only a financial cost, but also an environmental cost, thus being crucial to identify and quantify the energy flows through the equipment and its systems and in parallel promote energy efficiency and awareness of environmental and economic sustainability.

By establishing energy performance contracts, Helexia can help companies to be more efficient without having to divert capital from their core business.

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