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Illustrative photograph of the helexia project

Decarbonizing is the biggest transformation we have to make.

Helexia designs, implements, manages, and invests in integrated energy solutions to make decarbonization an opportunity for sustainable business development.

Our portfolio

A low carbon economy

In its simplest definition, decarbonizing means "taking carbon out of."

And in the case of energy, it means that we want to exchange fossil energies, which emit greenhouse gases, for green, renewable and self-sustaining energies, in all processes of production of goods and services.

Every time we exchange fossil energy for green energy, we are taking carbon out of the processes and the end products.

What is Decarbonizing?

All sectors count

The need for energy is transversal to the various sectors of activity. At Helexia, we adapt our approach to the specific needs of each sector, of each client.

We are helping our customers contribute to sustainability

We installed
42.4 MWp
We produce
100 GWh
We avoided
45,000 tons

If your business faces the challenge of decarbonization and self-consumption

We are ready to be your partner, from consulting to investment.

Good ideas do not emit carbon

featured image
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A nova diretiva CSDDD: Implicações e requisitos para as empresas

23 Jul 2024

Nhood e Helexia implementam projetos de autoconsumo e mobilidade elétrica nos cc Alegro

27 Jun 2024

Projetos de autoconsumo solar implementados pela Helexia permitem gerar 19GWh de energia limpa para a Corticeira Amorim

08 May 2024

Helexia patrocina equipa de Trail Running Saca Trilhos de Anadia

19 Apr 2024

Retalho: inovação energética e competitividade setorial

Pronto para Descarbonizar?

A solução está aqui.

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