Energy Management

Did you know that in many businesses, a 20% cut in energy costs is the same as a 5% increase in sales?

Looking at energy consumption in the production process in an integrated way, making it more efficient over time, results in reduced operating costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

Energy as a competitiveness factor

Energy represents an important slice of an organization's operating costs and is present at different points in its value chains, from the processing of raw materials to the distribution of products.

Looking at energy as a factor of competitiveness is essential because the reduction of energy consumption and waste, leads to productive efficiency that allows to obtain high levels of performance.

How important is energy management?

Managing energy is looking at energy consumption in the production process in an integrated way. It is to manage the entire energy system of an organization: electricity, gas, biomass, diesel, or any other type of energy source and make this system more efficient over time, resulting in reduced operating costs and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Reasons to do energy management

Management of an organization's entire energy system
Discover energy in waste, in order to implement measures
Define precisely which energy efficiency measures are best
Continuous Improvement

Energy Management Projects

Helexia wants to be the long-term partner for the energy transition and decarbonization of your business.

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