ISO 50001

ISO 50001 is a global standard for energy management systems. This standard provides a framework for companies to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve energy management systems with the goal of improving energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption

ISO 50001: Continuous Improvement in Energy Savings

The standard encourages continuous business improvement by helping to identify energy efficiency opportunities, implement energy-saving measures, and track energy performance over time.


Provides a basis for implementing an effective energy management system
Helps improve energy performance
Helps reduce energy costs
Internationally recognized standard

ISO 50001 Projects

Helexia assists companies in obtaining certification by improving the energy performance of organizations through:

Development of an energy policy for more efficient energy use
Development of procedures and processes for continuous improvement of your energy
Implementation of goals and objectives to meet your policy
Promoting the energy efficiency of your organization
Identification of clean and renewable energy production opportunities
Compliance with established legal requirements

Helexia wants to be the long-term partner for the energy transition and decarbonization of your business.

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