Autofer bets on solar energy production for self-consumption

Energy Production Customer Autofer Services Power Generation Sector Metallomechanics
self-consumption of solar energy at Autofer
Annual Production
170 MWh
CO2 avoided
80 tons
Total Power
121 KWp
Trees planted

Autofer has invested in solar energy production for self-consumption. Through a partnership with Helexia, a 222-panel solar power plant was set up. This plant has 121 KWp installed, which corresponds to an annual production of 170 MWh.

Autofer with solar energy

This commitment to the environment will enable Autofer to avoid emitting 80 tons of CO2/year, which is the equivalent of planting around 2,000 trees every year.

The benefits of this bet

The benefits of this partnership are many: reduced energy consumption and dependence on the grid, as well as stable energy prices and real estate appreciation.

In addition, Autofer reinforces its commitment to the environment by producing a large part of the energy needed for its production process, making it more competitive.


Reduction of the energy bill
Reduction of energy consumption of the network
Production of clean and renewable energy for self-consumption
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
Adding value to your real estate assets
Helexia can carry out all the investment required for the project

From needs analysis to implementation, we believe that a decarbonized economy is the path to growth.

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